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Welcome to The Office Crowd! When you shop with us, you’re supporting the first circular economy in office furniture. To show our gratitude for your commitment to sustainability, enjoy an extra 10% OFF your next order with the discount code 'SUSTAINABLE10'.

Our founders have been in the furniture industry for more than 20 years and witnessed the same linear process happening time and time again - Buy a new chair or desk, use it for five to ten years, and send it to the dump.

Did you know, in 2019 it was estimated that over 1.2 million office desks and 1.8 million offices chairs end up in landfill every year... And after the Covid-19 pandemic, those numbers have only increased with companies downsizing their offices and continuing employee hybrid working from home. 

We knew there must be a better way. 

When buying new items from us, we ensure you’re buying a brand that we
know will stand the test of time until we see it again. Meaning it is made
well, with sustainable practices and easy to dismantle so that it can be easily
refurbished.  No more waste.

And when you buy our refurbished stock, you’re buying items of outstanding
quality, painstakingly restored in accordance with our 10 point Process. Better
still, you’re making savings on the cost of new product all whilst saving
the original product from landfill.

It is a small step, but your purchasing power really is keeping a piece of
perfectly good furniture out of landfill.

Our aim is to never send a piece of furniture to landfill. Where an item is beyond repair, we work with trusted recycling partners to repurpose the
materials and give it a new life. For example, foam cushions of a chair can be
recycled into carpet underlay, or the plastic of a base ground down to be incorporated into floor tiles. 

We are The Office Crowd, It all comes back to us.